
Interview with Mental Health Professional

The image above links to the video interview Marty Reinsel had with “Stay Safe Thurston County” on April 27th, 2020 about mental health during COVID-19.

Marty works with an array of organizations, individuals, and other professional entities that often face challenging behavioral situations and circumstances.  Of note, Marty often uses Consultation support to accompany his trainings.

Need a consultant to help with a challenging situation in your organization or workplace? Maybe de-escalation training is needed?

An example: An organization that hired Marty for some trainings on Trauma-informed Care and De-escalation becomes aware of a challenging event at the workplace and seek Marty’s support for Consultation services. Marty may provide Facilitated Debriefings of a Sentinel Event, or Marty may work with a Team to provide support for Compassion Fatigue & Vicarious Trauma in the professional setting. Sometimes these Consultations are a one-time event. Other times, an organization or professional entity will contract with Marty to provide a number of Consultation hours over a select time-period. There is a great deal of variety in how these Consultations may be presented & offered.

Common Consultations:

  • Debriefing facilitation after a Sentinel Event (individual or group focus is offered)
  • Team &/or Organizational support for managing the effects of Compassion Fatigue & Secondary (Vicarious) Trauma
  • Individual support for person’s working in highly-stressed environments (this has included an array of public figures, including people highly visible in the public eye)
  • Proactive planning, project management support, and curriculum development for organizations seeking to improve staff and/or client relations, including fostering a more supportive, equitable, and inclusive professional culture in the workplace